During term 2 we will be hosting our Colour Explosion School Fun Run to raise funds to build a permanent shade structure at the oval pickup area. This structure will benefits students and families alike - by providing shade and shelter no matter the weather. We look forward to being able to achieve this with your help.

Our 2022 and 2023 Colour Explosion School Fun Runs have raised over $42,000 and $52,000 respectively and 2024 is set to be our biggest year yet! Not only is this event about fundraising but it’s also about FUN and it is a highlight on the schools’ calendar.

when is the colour explosion school fun run

Wishart State School will be hosting our Colour Explosion School Fun Run on Friday, 7 June 2024.

what time is my child’s class participating in the colour run?

Times are still being determined and the website will be updated once we have more information.

can i volunteer to help on the day?

All volunteers are welcome to help with our Colour Explosion School Fun Run! There are a range of jobs from helping on obstacles, to cooking the BBQ. Time slots are 1 hour long. You can choose to volunteer at a time that your child is participating, or you can watch from the sideline while they have their turn, and then volunteer during another Grade’s timeslot, your choice!!

We just ask that all volunteers have first completed their Mandatory Training as per the Department of Education Requirements.

Volunteering is a great way to help support the school and make this an incredibly successful and fun day for the whole Wishart State School Community!


During the Fun Run, the kids will be sprayed with non-toxic, biodegradable colour powder from head to toe! Students will need to wear a WHITE t-shirt and an old pair of shorts to school on this day. They will also need a change of clothes to wear, as they return to class, or go home.

Is the powder safe?

The non-toxic colour powder is made of high-quality corn starch and permitted food colours, so it’s safe for skin and eyes. Students with asthma are advised to be careful in their decision to participate. All students will be given a headband and sunglasses to wear while running to avoid powder going into their eyes.

How does my child fundraise?

Fundraising for our Colour Explosion School Fun Run can be done either online or via cash donation.

For online fundraising, follow the instructions in your child’s sponsorship booklet to create a cybersafe, online profile page at www.myprofilepage.com.au. If you wish, cash donations can be collected and converted into online donations.

Cash donations will be accepted by the Tuckshop. Please ensure you have completed your fundraising booklet and it is placed in a clearly named bag with the fundraised money, so that your child has the right fundraising amount added to their name.

At the end of our fundraiser students can order up to a total of 5 prizes based on their donations received. They can even mix and match! 


All online and cash donations must submitted before Friday, 7 June 2024

How do I order my child’s incentive prizes?

You can order your child’s prizes online at myprofilepage.com.au between Saturday, 8 June to Friday, 14 June 2024. Order one prize based on the total amount of dollars raised, or mix and match smaller prizes.



There are a number of school-based incentives for your child to fundraise. Not only does the money go towards the building of a permanent shade stucture for students and families, but each child has a chance of winning prizes as well!

Slime a Staff Member All students who raise over $100 go into the draw to win (1 winner per grade).

XBox Our Highest fundraising student will have hours of fun ahead with their XBox prize.

Pizza Party The Highest fundraising class will win a pizza & iceblock party.


By registering for the Colour Explosion Fun Run you can be in the running for your share of Monty’s Incentive Prizes!

Online Golden Coins Collect monty coins online and receive free prize credits.

Monty Hatching Egg Achieve all virtual badges via the online platform.

Monty Backpack The highest fundraising student in each class will go into the draw to win a Monty backpack

Monty Scented Pencil Create a profile page in the first 7 days

Monty Pencil Case Raise $200 or more online and receive a Monty Pencil Case

Highest Fundraiser The highest fundraising student will receive a real life 30cm Monty plush and champions medallion 


Colour Explosion Fun Run - Safety Data Sheet Holi Colour Powder
Colour Explosion Fun Run - Powder Risk Assessment


If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to contact us:
Rebecca Carroll
Fundraising Coordinator